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A person pulling wet seaweed from the sea

Our seaweed partners

Gathering seaweed from Scotland’s coastlines requires patience, some hard graft and a keen understanding of the lunar cycle. Unlike farming on land, we have to synchronise our harvests with the moon’s gravitational pull, waiting for the ebb and flow to uncover the ocean’s riches.

Man holding up fresh wet seaweed from the sea

Call of the wild

We hold a 30km Crown Estate harvesting license, wrapping around the beautiful East Neuk of Fife.  We have a comprehensive understanding of native species, marine biology and environmental mapping data that underpins the sustainability of our working methods, including annual biomass monitoring surveys.
Our wild crops are hand harvested, gathered with care to ensure harmony with the marine ecosystem. We work with a team of Fife fishermen to harvest our zone, harvesting experts Alba Mari. They work at low tide using specific and defined working methods to ensure sustainable regrowth is always paramount.
It’s a tough job, the ocean can be an unforgiving place, so we take no chances. Location trackers and standard operating procedures ensures the welfare of the harvesting team.

Farming seaweed

A farming family

Scotland’s seaweed farming industry is growing fast, producing crops in the deep lochs and seawater inlets of the pristine waters that hug the west coast. Here, we work closely with local farmers to purchase species that aren’t readily available around the East Neuk of Fife.
Cultivating a transparent working relationship with our farming partners is vital. A mutually beneficial collaboration ensures the best products and provides a sustainable revenue stream to often fragile coastal communities. Our farmers are audited annually, making sure product supply specifications and environmental practices are rigorously adhered to.

Our values

These are the things that shape the way we work, and the way we treat each other, our partners and the planet.


We continually pursue new ways to be progressive, inventive and sustainable to ensure our products and methods are world-leading


We are all about responsible, transparent sourcing policies and forming robust supply chain partnerships


We create a diverse portfolio of seaweed-based solutions that promote environmental stewardship and improve human health
Dried Seaweed

Still have questions?

We’ve produced a handy seaweed FAQ to fill in the blanks. And of course, we’re more than happy to answer queries directly too.