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House of Seaweed

There`s Brilliance

In the Brine

Just beyond the point where paddling turns to a shivering midriff exists a rich and plentiful source of nutrients that sways in the tide but can power a sustainable revolution. At House of Seaweed, we harvest this natural wonder on the Scottish coastline to develop an astounding array of innovative and sustainable products that enrich lives and help protect the planet.
Our expertise
Group of dried seaweed

our products

We have years of practical experience and know-how under our belt. That knowledge and expertise are here to help deliver bespoke seaweed solutions for your specific business needs. Let’s talk trade.

Seaweed in the river

A marine marvel with many uses

Seaweed is incredibly versatile. There are so many industries out there already benefiting from its transformational properties and planet-protecting powers. Think seaweed is just an edible foodstuff? Think again.

Person in the water lifting out seaweed

A house with firm foundations

We are a team of seaweed devotees who have worked extensively with this marine marvel and are well-acquainted with its exceptional qualities. Our ambition is to be the world’s leading sustainable seaweed business. From right here, in Scotland.

Stack of booklets

Our brands

House of Seaweed is home to a number of brands purposefully created to reflect the versatility and all-round magnificence of seaweed. And we're already looking to add new ones to our stable.